From the creators of Incident Prevention magazine, the Incident Prevention Institute (iP Institute) exists to provide professional development opportunities to those in the utility industry. It features a wide range of educational products, developed by those who have years of experience dealing with the unique safety challenges faced by utilities. Subscribe to our podcast to get insights, education and strategies from leading utility safety experts.

Friday Sep 02, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - It’s Your Ship with David McPeak CUSP
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Friday Sep 02, 2022
Understanding. That’s a one-word summary of why you should read this book and what you will learn from it. Understanding yourself first and then understanding others. Understanding what others expect from you and your team and understanding situations and the impacts of your decisions. Finally, my favorite line from the book, understanding the more control you give up, the more command you get. It’s your ship!
View training & courses at https://ip-institute.com/
This podcast is sponsored by T&D Powerskills. If you are looking for a comprehensive lineworker training solution, visit tdpowerskills.com today and use the exclusive podcast listener promo code podcast2023 to receive a 5% discount!

Friday Aug 19, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - The Success Principles with David McPeak, CUSP
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - The Success Principles, CUSP
Topics Covered:
Extreme Ownership
Normalization of Deviation
Us Versus Them Mentalities
Have you ever read a book and ended up with so many sticky notes as placeholders, highlights and margin notes it was difficult to read again? This is one of those books for me. I was expecting a bunch of cool SEAL stories, which I got. What I wasn’t expecting and was thrilled to see is how insightful and practical the book is for individuals and organizations. In this presentation we'll establish what Extreme Ownership means and how we can apply it to our leadership and safety. Following that, we’ll use exerts from the book to discuss specific challenges we face every day and principles that will help us overcome those challenges. As the authors say, “The principles are simple, but not easy. Taking ownership for mistakes and failures is hard. But doing so is key to learning, to developing solutions, and, ultimately, to victory.”
View training & courses at https://ip-institute.com/
This podcast is sponsored by T&D Powerskills. If you are looking for a comprehensive lineworker training solution, visit tdpowerskills.com today and use the exclusive podcast listener promo code podcast2023 to receive a 5% discount!

Monday Aug 08, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - Extreme Ownership with David McPeak, CUSP
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - Extreme Ownership with David McPeak, CUSP
Have you ever read a book and ended up with so many sticky notes as placeholders, highlights and margin notes it was difficult to read again? This is one of those books for me. I was expecting a bunch of cool SEAL stories, which I got. What I wasn’t expecting and was thrilled to see is how insightful and practical the book is for individuals and organizations. In this presentation we'll establish what Extreme Ownership means and how we can apply it to our leadership and safety. Following that, we’ll use exerts from the book to discuss specific challenges we face every day and principles that will help us overcome those challenges. As the authors say, “The principles are simple, but not easy. Taking ownership for mistakes and failures is hard. But doing so is key to learning, to developing solutions, and, ultimately, to victory.”
View training & courses at https://ip-institute.com/
This podcast is sponsored by T&D Powerskills. If you are looking for a comprehensive lineworker training solution, visit tdpowerskills.com today and use the exclusive podcast listener promo code podcast2023 to receive a 5% discount!

Monday Jul 18, 2022
Monday Jul 18, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People with David McPeak, CUSP
Most people are familiar with the title “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” but they may not be aware of the book’s subtitle: “Powerful Lessons in Personal Change.” That’s why I am highlighting this book first in this series of articles – because, as Covey said, “If I want to change my situation, I have to focus on the one thing I can control – myself.”
This establishes a theme that will continue throughout each of the books I have chosen for this series. Successful and effective people are accountable and responsible to and for themselves and their teams. And perhaps most importantly, they understand how to use the gap between a stimulus or event and their response with a focus on their desired outcome in decision making.
This podcast is sponsored by T&D Powerskills. If you are looking for a comprehensive lineworker training solution, visit tdpowerskills.com today and use the exclusive podcast listener promo code podcast2023 to receive a 5% discount!

Friday Jul 15, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - Safety Axioms with David McPeak, CUSP
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - Safety Axioms with David McPeak, CUSP
Too often we focus so much on the nuts and bolts of safety (e.g., grounding procedures, Ohm’s law, work methods for a pole-top rescue) that we lose sight of the big picture. There’s no doubt the nuts and bolts are important, but they lose value if we don’t understand and apply the following safety axioms: Safety must be led, Culture drives behavior, people are not how we wish they were, Replace common sense with common knowledge, Measure what you want, Know the power of why and what, Engage in safety by design and defense in depth, Never need protective equipment including PPE, and Make everything plural.
This podcast is sponsored by T&D Powerskills. If you are looking for a comprehensive lineworker training solution, visit tdpowerskills.com today and use the exclusive podcast listener promo code podcast2023 to receive a 5% discount!

Friday Jul 08, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - Common Sense with David McPeak, CUSP
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - Common Sense with David McPeak, CUSP
How did you learn the stove was hot? Common sense tells us we have an innate awareness of hazards and yet I’m guessing most of us touched it and learned it was hot. What about brushing your teeth? Ever hurt yourself doing that? When was the last time you locked your keys in your vehicle or slipped on ice? Have you ever run into a stationary object while driving? Common sense would tell us these things should never happen and yet they do.
This podcast is sponsored by T&D Powerskills. If you are looking for a comprehensive lineworker training solution, visit tdpowerskills.com today and use the exclusive podcast listener promo code podcast2023 to receive a 5% discount!

Friday Jul 01, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - Hazards Do Not Discriminate with David McPeak, CUSP
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Friday Jul 01, 2022
Frontline Fundamentals - Hazards Do Not Discriminate with David McPeak, CUSP
Hazards do not discriminate nor should we. If you have seen Game of Thrones, you understand how infighting among groups and teams can become so severe, they lose sight of their real enemy. Don’t let that be true with your team and hazards. Learn and apply the importance of teamwork in hazard identification and control to keep you and your team safe.
This podcast is sponsored by T&D Powerskills. If you are looking for a comprehensive lineworker training solution, visit tdpowerskills.com today and use the exclusive podcast listener promo code podcast2023 to receive a 5% discount!

Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
Tuesday Sep 28, 2021
In this special episode, we sit down with the Director of Professional Development for the Incident Prevention Institute, David McPeak, to discuss his new book, called Frontline Leadership—The Hurdle. Listeners will learn all about why the book is such an impactful and insightful read for anybody who is a utility safety leader or aspiring leader!
If you'd like a copy of the book, you can get it today at https://amzn.to/2XUSqyi.
This podcast is sponsored by T&D Powerskills. If you are looking for a comprehensive lineworker training solution, visit tdpowerskills.com today and use the exclusive podcast listener promo code podcast2023 to receive a 5% discount!

Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Frontline Fundamentals: Improving Job Briefings
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Tuesday Aug 31, 2021
Improving your job briefings can lead to greater safety, productivity, quality, system reliance and customer satisfaction. So why is it that many leaders make the mistake of making their job briefings monotonous and uninspiring? Citing an insightful segment from the popular Frontline utility safety leadership training program, David McPeak breaks down how to have thoughtful, confident and impactful job briefings.
This podcast is sponsored by T&D Powerskills. If you are looking for a comprehensive lineworker training solution, visit tdpowerskills.com today and use the exclusive podcast listener promo code podcast2023 to receive a 5% discount!

Monday Aug 16, 2021
Information Transfer: What OSHA Requires with Pam Tompkins
Monday Aug 16, 2021
Monday Aug 16, 2021
When it comes to OSHA's rules for information transfer, it's important to start with the hazard. Employers have the responsibility to identify and control known hazards to ensure worker safety. When unknown hazards exist, the risk levels are elevated because workers may not have all the information they need to safely do the work. Pam Tompkins breaks down what OSHA requires for information transfer and what you can do to help ensure worker safety.
This discussion was developed from our popular online, self-paced video-driven course, OSHA Electric Power Standards with Pam Tompkins & Matt Edmonds. This course was built to provide you with a simple and practical way to learn about OSHA’s Electric Power standards 1910.269 and 1926 Subpart V and provide you with expert insight and interpretations that help you understand the applications of the regulation. For more information on how you can purchase this course, visit https://ip-institute.com/osha-electric-power-standards/
This podcast is sponsored by T&D Powerskills. If you are looking for a comprehensive lineworker training solution, visit tdpowerskills.com today and use the exclusive podcast listener promo code podcast2023 to receive a 5% discount!